Ozone Treatments

Ozone Dentistry Treatments

At Giesler Dental, we utilize ozone gas in our treatment of patients. Ozone is a negatively charged gas molecule made up of 3 atoms of oxygen. It is a strong oxidant that naturally is attracted to, and kills, bacteria, viruses, and fungi. It also oxygenates tissue, promoting healing and decreasing inflammation.

Human cells are protected from ozone with anti-oxidant enzymes, allowing us to utilize ozone in multiple areas of dentistry to more effectively treat cavities, infection, and inflammation.

Bacterial Infections/Periodontal Disease

Ozone can be used to effectively treat any bacterial infection. Sore throats, ulcerations, abscesses, and periodontal problems can all be treated with ozone gas or ozonated water.

Ozonated water and ozone gas can help slow, stop, or even reverse the progression of periodontal disease. The gas goes directly after the bacteria in the infected periodontal pockets while also promoting an immune response and healing.

Cavities/Fillings/Crown Preps

Ozone is used on the great majority of patients during cavity preparations and fillings, and crown build-up and preparation appointments. Ozone kills any residual bacteria in the prepared tooth, giving the tooth a better long-term prognosis.

Root Canals

Studies have shown that following endodontic (root canal) therapy, some bacteria, fungi, and viruses remain in the small canals and tubules that transverse the root of the tooth. Ozone can be used to disinfect the root canals and dental tubules.

Ozonated water can be used to rinse the canals during treatment, and ozone gas will permeate the tubules and disinfect the tooth. Injections of ozone gas can also be used around the root of the tooth.


Many temporomandibular joint (TMJ) problems are associated with bacteria, viruses and fungi. These cause an inflammatory reaction resulting in TMJ pain. Ozone gas can kill the organisms, reduce the inflammation, and stimulate new cartilage growth.

Sinuses and Ears

Ozone, administered nasally as it is bubbled through olive oil, can attack sinus inflammation and infection. Ear insufflation is a technique used to deliver ozone to the external, middle and inner ear. The tympanic membrane (ear drum) is vascularized and some ozone can enter the bloodstream by this route.

Mouth Lesions/Cold Sores

Ozone gas and ozonated olive oil can be used to treat cold sores (herpetic lesions). For cold sores, ozone gas is injected adjacent to the lesion/sore allowing the ozone to attack the herpes virus. The pain, discomfort, and unsightliness normally associated with a cold sore can be greatly reduced and healing times shortened. Ozonated olive oil can accelerate healing and recovery. For aphthous ulcers or any kind of sore in the mouth, rinsing with ozonated water will accelerate healing. The ozone can also help with the pain.


Cavitations (holes in bone) frequently occur in the jawbones at the sites of previous extractions, especially in the area of the wisdom teeth. Cavitations may have systemic effects. Often surgery is done to clean out the area. One of the problems with the cavitational lesion is that it spreads into surrounding bone via small channels, and the infection can then move far from the original site. Surgically, it is virtually impossible to clean out the entire infection. Ozone therapy greatly increases the odds of healing cavitations – often without surgery. Because ozone kills the bugs, enhances the immune system, promotes remineralization of bone, etc. ozone gas injected directly into the cavitational site has remarkable effects. What is really incredible is that the gas will follow the infection. For example patients having an injection into the lower right wisdom tooth area, may report feeling a funny sensation in the jaw, sometime even as far away as the left wisdom tooth area.
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